Ready to apply to the NASA Postdoctoral Program?
The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) offers a unique and inspiring environment for Fellows to conduct world-class research with leading scientists across the United States. The diverse scientific and technological fellowships offered at NASA are one-of-a-kind educational experiences that prepare future leaders for NASA and the academic community.
NPP Fellows are selected through a competitive peer review process, and execute appointments (for up to three years) that advance research across NASA’s space and Earth science missions.
The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) consists of two components—the NASA Postdoctoral Research Program and the NASA Postdoctoral Management Program. As the NPP is a resident program, Fellows are located at a NASA Center, NASA Headquarters, or at a NASA-affiliated research institute during the appointment.
NASA Postdoctoral Research Program
NASA Postdoctoral Research Program Fellows conduct research of national importance and collaborate with distinguished U.S. and international researchers. NPP Fellows have made significant research contributions that have advanced specific science efforts of NASA and the body of general scientific knowledge in the areas of astrophysics, Earth science, aeronautics, biology and astrobiology, cosmo-chemistry, heliophysics, planetary science, and technology development.
Postdoctoral Fellowships are available for those applicants who have held a doctoral degree for less than five years at the time of application. Senior Fellowships are available for those applicants who have held a doctoral degree for five or more years at the time of application.
NASA Postdoctoral Management Program
The NASA Postdoctoral Management Program (NPMP) is an adjunct to the NASA Postdoctoral Research Program and is designed to provide valuable experience in the management of scientific programs. NPMP Fellows generally work with NASA program scientists at NASA Headquarters on a wide range of programmatic activities involving various aspects in the management of a research and analysis program, analyzing the progress made toward the Division's scientific research objectives, and participating in future mission feasibility studies.
NASA Postdoctoral Management Program Fellowships are open to applicants who have completed at least one year of a research fellowship.